
Freelance Client

Gainful wanted their customers to know that when it comes to their products personalization is their priority. Through their branding and photography we wanted to show that their products help a range of individuals of all shapes and sizes, not just weight lifters looking to bulk up. It was important that Gainful’s customers felt like they were a part of Gainful’s modern and open culture.

Partnering with Gainful’s in-house design team we used creative strategies to keep customers engaged. We wanted to immerse customers in things that Gainful stood for in addition to promoting their unique product. Giving customers more reasons to believe we inspired them to vote, shared BLM resources, and featured delicious UGC recipes through email and social. We also encouraged them to get in touch with their own Gainful Registered Dietitian to help break down their fitness and nutritional goals with professional guidance on ingredients and blends.

See the live website experience
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